If Hitler Had Been a Hippy How Happy Would We Be is the title of Jake and Dinos Chapmans new exhibition on view at White Cube Gallery. Nine glass cases stand in the main galley space in the shape of a swastika each case depicts something from your worst nightmare, or maybe not.
"If hell exists and Hitler is there, I think he is turning in his grave" (Jake)
The brothers - once called "the cleverest of the Young British Artists" by the critic
Matthew Collings - also mark the fourth anniversary of the loss of one of their most celebrated pieces of work, Hell, destroyed in the 2004 Momart warehouse fire in east London, by revealing its successor. This time it is entitled Fucking Hell.

Also in the exhibition are thirteen watercolours of questionable quality by a man who never made it to art school......Adolf Hitler.
The brothers spent £115,000 on the paintings by Hitler and painted smiley faces, flowers and rainbow skies on them. They said that they were exploring themes of redemption and had made Hitler's art "better by it being worse".
Five years ago the artists
Jake and Dinos Chapman were labelled vandals for defacing a set of Goya prints.
I find the Chapman pieces redundant. The Nazis did such a thorough job documenting the horror through film, that I think it is very difficult to compete with that. I also have trouble with putting all the blame on Hitler, a leader who was democratically elected by the German people. Not that the Chapman Brothers are putting all the blame on Hitler, but the title of the piece seems to at least hint at that.
Its sick and disturbing.
Its as if they are making fun of what happend to the jews!!
Im very offended by this!!!!!!
The Goya etchings were cool this is too fucked up for me. People need to see it though.
If you see the show in person its very powerful.
This is one of the best shows ive seen in a long time.
The Chapman Bros pieces are so good when are guys going to get one of these for Dallas.
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