The last few days have been all fun and games with Tim and Sue being in town for the weekend. Our reception on Friday night was a huge success (photos to follow in a few days). After a long day and very long night, Saturday came around quickly. A must see for Tim and Sue was going to the rodeo so in Texas/Brit style Tim, Sue, Jessica and James all trucked up to the Mesquite Rodeo....YEEEEEEEEEEEE HA !!
We had called earlier in the day to scope the place out and see how we could best prepare ourselves for the nights extravaganza, the rodeo assistant recommend we get tickets in advance as it was going to be busy we said no we will get them at the door because how busy could a rodeo be....right??
Well..... it was packed, packed to the brim with Texas' finest. We found our seats, got a cheap beer and we were ready, bring on the bulls.
Did you know that they file down the bulls horns and tie rope around their privates, no wonder they look so pissed off and dont want anyone riding them. This guy was not playing the game and was about to get served.
The cowboys in red are like the sheriffs of bull ring, if the bulls get any idea's they regulate quick time.
Check out the head gear they are wearing, this guy wasn't feeling to well he had some major snot issues.
Check out James with his cheap beer and free gift posing next to one of the heroes of the night. Never again will you see James, Jessica, Tim Noble and Sue Webster looking so out of place and so bewildered than at the Mesquite Rodeo.
My home is in Mesquite and I've never been to the Mesquite Rodeo. (Have been to the Art Center though.)
Brave of you guys to venture out there! But please don't go too near the livestock with flip-flops... scares the herd.
Must've been such an EXPERIENCE for em!
Looks like it was a fun weekend.
Cowboys are hot
Is Dallas really that cowboy?
No, Fort Worth is more 'cowboy' than Dallas, but it also has great museums. Quite a contrast. Mesquite, 15 miles east of Dallas, (where the rodeo arena is) is not really cowboy either, so years ago they built this indoor arena out by itself so that those needing a dose of 'cowboy' can get their fix in air-conditioned luxury.
Broke Back Mountain!
Bare back mountain more like it.
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